History week to review

Topic: how inventions changed military warfare.     Inventions have changed the world, and military war. here is a example: the warship pacifically the Trireme. The greeks and Persians had Triremes the Persians had a bigger army than the greeks but the Greeks had more tactics Than the Persians and they beat the Persians and…

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English: Week 1 review

Writing Assignment: Write one paragraph on your favorite part of summer.  Why I like summer I like Summer. I like that we go to the pool. I like that I ride my bike. I like running with my dog. I like that we kayak. Summer is awesome. 

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History: Week One Review

Topic: explain how a person’s worldview can help increase or decrease their capital.  What is capital? Capital is a tool; here’s an example: a rock is form of capital to a caveman because he can use it as a weapon to hunt or defend himself.  A toolbox is a form of capital to a mechanic.…

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