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Read MoreHow my family would react to a baby lion walking into our house
My mom would snuggle the baby lion. Zinnia would just squeak she is a six month old. Zoriah and Zoe would join mom and snuggle it. I would play with it. And my dad would make sure that its mom was not around. and afterwards we would take it to a place that would take…
Read MoreAl kindi and al Rasy
Al kindi Al kindi deciphered And translated ancient books and made it possible to reed them. He let us reed what the ancient philosophers wrote. I think that what he did was super cool. Al rasy al rasy was known for his surgical ability. In other words he is very good at surgery. I like…
Read MoreOtters
Otters are my favorite mammal. Otters have three main characteristics. They hunt in groups. They mostly live in the water. Otters have a long bodies. They also have short stubby legs. Webbed feet help them move through the water. Sea otters have an extra dense fur to keep them warm in the cold water. Otters…
Read MoreHow to make paper airplanes
What you need: Paper crayons sticker I am going to teach you how to make a paper airplane. First, you have to find paper. Then you have to make the body of the plane. Then, you have to make the wings. Step one: find the proper paper. The paper can’t be to stiff. It also…
I think ARK is an awesome game. In ARK, there is realistic in-game tech. You can tame extinct and mythical creatures. There is realistic survival. In ARK, there are GPS’s that give you latitude and longitude. The first craftable tech is at level 49. You can craft cables. You can connect cables to lights.…
A Goshawk is a bird of prey. They are very good at flying though trees. They live in forests. Goshawks are classified as bird of prey because they eat meat but their favorite is snowshoe hares. They chase their prey through the woods. Then they kill it with their talons. Falconers love them because they’re…
Read MoreThe dragon brothers
Once upon a time, three brothers lived on a farm. Their names were Zachary, Logan, and Riley. One morning while they were doing chores, a dragon flew over to them and nudged them. They transformed into dragons. At first, they were scared. But then Logan started flapping his wings and started flying. It…
Read MoreHistory week to review
Topic: how inventions changed military warfare. Inventions have changed the world, and military war. here is a example: the warship pacifically the Trireme. The greeks and Persians had Triremes the Persians had a bigger army than the greeks but the Greeks had more tactics Than the Persians and they beat the Persians and…
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